Current Lab Members

Nicholas Bragagnolo, BSc, MSc
PhD Candidate
Nick’s research focuses on the multi-functional protein TraG of the F plasmid T4SS. TraG is involved in pilus formation, entry exclusion and mating pair stabilization. Nick is, at the moment, focusing on the structure and dynamics of the periplasmic domain of TraG. In his spare time, Nick is a jazz drummer, and quite a good one we hear!

Christina Rodriguez, BSc
PhD Candidate
Christina joined the group in 2018 from Wilfrid Laurier University. Her research is focused on a elaborating the structural characteristics of the periplasmic pore forming proteins TraW and TrbC of the F plasmid T4SS.

Maya Soko, BSc
MSc Candidate
Maya joined the group in September 2023 for her honours thesis project. Her research focuses on the structural characterization of an industrially relevant beta-amylase.

Rana Salem, BSc, MASc (On leave)
PhD Candidate
Rana joined the group in 2017 for a project in collaboration with Prof. Ahmed El-Dyasti in the Lassonde School of Engineering. Her research is focuses on identifying proteins involved polyhydroxyalkonate (PHA) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production in methanotrophic bacteria fond in waste water. Finishing her MSc in Summer 2020, Rana is continuing her studies in our group. She continues to explore protein-structure functions of proteins for methanotrophic bacteria as well as exploring mobile genetic elements found in bacteria isolated from water treatment facilities.

Current Undergraduates
Could you be here?
- We welcome interested undergraduates to reach out and see if you’re a fit 🙂